Each treatment plan is individualized incorporating various theories of therapy. OMTHERAPY therapists are efficient in working with...

CBT + DBT + Mindfulness Therapy + Narrative Therapy + Movement Therapy + Music Therapy + Art Therapy



Individual Therapy

Weekly 1-1 session with therapist working towards your personal goals and building strong strategies to overcome your challenges. 


50 mins


Couples & Family Therapy

Weekly session with unbiased therapist working towards improving communication, resolving conflicts, improving awareness & understanding, and building a system that works for all involved.

50 mins


Group Therapy

1 hour weekly sessions utilizing interpersonal relationships to better understand yourself and how you relate to others.

60 mins


New Services Coming Soon


New Services Coming Soon -




Destructive behavior and poor impulse-control  Many people struggle with effectively communicating their thoughts and feelings which can lead to emotional outbursts and behavioral disruptions across many settings including home, community and school.

Destructive behavior and poor impulse-control

Many people struggle with effectively communicating their thoughts and feelings which can lead to emotional outbursts and behavioral disruptions across many settings including home, community and school. At OmTherapy, we teach and strengthen communication and emotional awareness to reduce the need for these behaviors and improve relationships. This, in turn, can boost self esteem and confidence while preparing individuals for a successful life.



Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant, Behavioral Issues:

Elementary through High School years can be among the most difficult to overcome.  Social & academic stresses paired with individual challenges can lead to a range of emotional and behavioral problems impacting not only today's youth, but their families as well.  Individual and family counseling can assist in providing the information, structure and support needed to work through issues that interfere with the function and well being of the entire family.




Movement, Music, and Art Therapy

Performing arts can be utilized to open up clients to a new form of expression in which they are more easily engaged in the therapeutic process and overcome their challenges. Traditional talk therapy may not work for everyone and some individuals find that it is difficult to identify their challenges, thoughts, and feelings in a typical therapy session. We explore the creative processes of art, music, and movement therapy to assist the client with accessing their emotions and interpret their needs. 



Spiritual Transformations:

There are many times in life when we can feel lost, alone, or confused about who we are and who we want to be.  By exploring our inner self, we can often find ways to expand our lives and find a sense of peace.  A therapist experienced in assisting clients with connecting to the spiritual self could possibly be the key to overcoming these types of hardships.

Coping with Loss, Death & Dying:
 Many suffer through a tremendous amount of loss in life.  Coping with the unexpected death of a loved one, watching a close friend or family member suffer through their last days, or planning how to spend the last precious days of your life can all be difficult.
In addition, other losses such as those of faith, employment, or identity can be equally challenging.  Working with a therapist who has come close to death and assisted others with the complex feelings that come up in these situations can be comforting during these complicated times.  



Get closer with your loved ones.

Couple and family therapy can be beneficial to those who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection at any stage of their relationship. The purpose of therapy is to help each individuals identify how others are impacted by their specific actions, learn new ways of relating to others, find effective ways to resolve conflicts, and open lines of communication.  With all of these tools, couples and families find successful ways to build healthy relationships.




Pervasive Developmental Disorders:

 Impairments in communication, social interactions and emotional expression can make life a difficult journey.  The loved ones of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders struggle on a daily basis to cope with the frustration, isolation, exhaustion, and the confusion of dealing with a family member that has difficulty building friendships, communicating his or her thoughts, and managing their emotions in the world.  A therapist experienced in both behavioral and psycho-educational interventions can provide support and assist in building the structure necessary in making positive changes through individual, parent, group, and family sessions.


"It has been a true pleasure working with Michaela over the past few years. We have seen a transformation with our loved ones ability to participate more fully in everyday activities and free from the anxieties that at times crippled his day to day life."

— - L.B.L.